
Spread the words.

Daily Prophet.
SUNDAY : kita tukar skin

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to

Dear my Late Grandfather.

           I wish you were with my family and I. I miss you, ops, let me correct myself, we miss you so much. It's been about a month since you leave us. I've never lost a family member before, and when you leave this world, I feel so sad. I don’t know why I want to talk to you, I guess I just never really got to spend much time with you when you were alive because we live in a different state. It's so hard to forget you. I cried the time I wrote this.
         The first tear drop on my cheek was from my right eyes. I don't know why. I know it means something. I just don't know about it. I will cry if I see photos of you. I cry all day long on the first day you leave us. I miss you. I wonder how are you there ? I hope that Allah placed you with pious people.

Your beloved granddaughter.

