
Spread the words.

Daily Prophet.
SUNDAY : kita tukar skin

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Oh betina

Gambar google. Printscreen je. Malas ah gua.

Pompuan kalau pasai bola trus je Abang Nazmi lah, Abang Shahrul lah, Abang KFC. *pastu update kat status
Sumpah lah wei, mata mse kau tgk bola dekat mana ? Comfirm bukan dekat bola.
Gatai norrrr. Pnggil nama cukup ah.
Muntoh hijau aku tau tk.


tolonglah Najmi bukan taste aku, walaupun dia hebat. Inikan pula KFC, ASRA, SHAHRUL. Inikan pula Thamil, jauh sama sekali.

They are not even your ABANG. And the worse is, they don't even know that you are exist in this world : )

Its not an offensive entry. Its just some advice :) A very useful advice.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Dinner Part II

Haida's picture :) I have a permit to publish this.

Okay, walaupun baca skrip, tapi aku rasa it's hilarious. Tahun depan aku nak gabungkan korang dengan Fazrien Umas <<<< Nama FB.

Ade 20 cabutan bertuah, yg peliknya, satu pun aku tak kena. Puiii,sial lah.

Bak aku nak sambung balik cerita ni. Aku tak ingat pukul brapa Bas sampai dgn tetamu VIP, yg pnting mmg lama. Kiterang siap berposing lagi dlm tu.

All i can see is flashing light on that night.

Budak lelaki ayu parok malam tu. Muka macho gile. Tak boleh blah kalau posing. Pastu berangan jadi rocker atas pentas. Aku nampak ye  ^_^

Sorry lah adik2 ye. Akak ni tak reti potong kek. Jadi kek coklat yang rangup berperisa coklat ditaburi chips chips pecah bile dipotong. Shalyca pulak pergi duduk atas kek tu atas bas masa balik, tak sompat eden nk merasa kek tu.

She is absolutely mak mertua that night. :) Baqi and the gang love her : ) I am excluded from it
Okay, here's the best part of me that night. : ) It seems to be awful but I really need to wrote this untuk buat orang lain jelous. HIHI, kita duduk semeja dengan mak mertua :) Actually, she's not my mak mertua, I just call her mak mertua because she looks like my mak mertua if she get mad when she teaches us in the class. So, you know the story know. Don't get me wrong, I'm not being sarcastic. I still think that she is one of the best teacher in history :)

 bawak guitar, tapi tak strum pun aku tgk. Ntah pndai ke dok.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Dinner Part I

Hey guys. Wassup ? So, how's your holiday. Mine is kinda bored. I've planned something with my buddies, but yet, it doesn't seem to be going. But I'll try my best to make my holiday to be the awesome one with my buddies and family. Oh yeah, Good Luck to all students in my school for their lovely SPM.

Okey, enough english kau yang broken tu. Sekarang aku nak cerita pasal dinner kelas aku yang julung kalinya diadakan di sebuah restaurant 5 stars tu. Kalau nak tau, kelas kiterang ni hebat, cikgu siap puji lagi. Dengan sifat kerjasamanya, kasih sayangnya, tolenrasinya. Sebab budak kelas mana ade buat dinner-dinner mcm kelas kiterang buat ni. #SENYUMSAMPAITELINGA :)

Occasion: 2AB class Dinner
Date: 11.11.11
Avenue: New Horizon Garden

Betapa tak bertuahnya diri hamba ini. Si Puaka ni pun menang cabutan bertuah.

Adelah certain people kena pergi awal, termasuklah aku. Aku tukang bawak kek je. Kek tu pun anak Dato' Long Mustafa yang buat.Okey, ni aku nak cerita ni. Time aku dalam kereta dgn AJK yang lain, tetiba ade call dari anak omputeh ni, dia cakap keta dia takdek minyak. Semua orang dalam kereta tu terkejut beruk. Pakcik Rashid pun kod. Dekat traffic light WONG AH JANG tu dia buat prank. Kiterang ingatkan prank, rupenye betul2. HAHA, kelakar betul. Ish anak omputeh ni.

Bila sampai tempat tu, masing2 nyorok, sebab malu, mujur ade seorang cikgu bersma ank2nya. Tak tau nak wt menda sebab semua dah siap. Nak tunggu bas, lama gila. Malu dengan waiter/waitress tu.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Aku melepaskan STRESS, maaf.

Haritu aku pergi TC. Kasut bro ni bapak panjang. Sebulan tak basuh kot.

Aku tak faham kenapa manusia tak faham perasaan manusia yang lain sedangkan manusia yang tak faham perasaan manusia yang lain ni manusia jugak sama je.

Dalam otak aku ni tak pernah pun wujudnya application yang setiap kali periksa, kena dapat TOP 10. Otak aku ade macam-macam nak difikirkan. Bukan senang nak kekal TOP 10 setiap kali periksa.

Aku rasa macam lifeless bila mak aku cakap budak yang gatal gelenya nak dekat budak form 4 pun boleh score periksa last tahun. Aku tak.

Aku rasa menyampah gila bila ada budak kelas lain naik kelas, lepastu berlagak. KONON, kau lah yang dapat 8A tu eh ? Khazanah negara kau yang punya.

Kalau lah ada 10 orang yang beri semangat masa aku down @ depressed sebab result dalam rumah aku ni, dah lama aku berjaya dalam hidup. Ni tak, aku sampai lupa nak SPIN kain, pakai sidai je kain yang basah kuyup tu.

Tak boleh ke manusia jadi baik sikit dengan manusia. Kalau lah aku tahu tempat seko2 dalam sekolah tu, aku dah lama hantar surat layang tulis "KAU KEJAM, aku sumpah kau."

Dunia memang kejam dan tidak adil.
Benda-benda yg ada dalam dunia ni adalah untuk kegunaan manusia.
Manusia ada di dunia ni adalah untuk menggunakan semua benda.
Masalahnya, dalam dunia yang kejam dan tidak adil ni, manusia dipergunakan oleh benda.
Do you understand the hyperbole that I try to tell ? 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror | letter Challenge

Okay, before that I would like to tell you that I had private my blog and I open it up again. HIHI, I have no idea why I do that. I felt to do that actually.

Dear everyone around me.

  Thank God I'm still alive until today. I'd like to thank my parent for giving me such a wonderful life. And thank you to all of my sibling for making this family so so so riot. Not forgotten, all of my friends for making our song so sweeet. And to all my enemies for making me stronger. I know my life would be nothing and such a sick without all of you. I am happy for who I am, even though, it's hurtin' sometime.

from myself.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to | Letter Challenge

I will not write this in a letter because i will just tell what i want.

Okay, I really want to tell my mom that I need a new lens for my Olympus. I really need it so badly. But I know if I tell her about it, she will just say, WAIT FOR YOUR PMR's RESULT. pftttt, okay, nevermind, I heard that parent or mom and dad or mummy and daddy is the most precious thing in our life. So why not I follow her advice or RULES, maybe some day I'll get a better life. I've heard a wisdom words form a philosopher sound like this  "Once you follow your mom, you will get a better husband" :)


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 28 — Someone that changed your life | Letter Challenge

N o O n e ! S K I P .

Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day | Letter Challenge

Dear Khatijah,

I didn’t really get a chance to know you that well, but you were pretty cool. I wonder how are you right now. I wish we will meet again one day.

Love, AJ.

Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to | Letter Challenge

It's a secret. :) skipppp.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times | Letter Challenge

Hey peeps, long time no see. What's going on ? It's been almost 2 week since I let my blog private and cloister itself. It's because of my exam, and hell yeah, I am free now. Let's just start it again from day 25.

To someone infinitely precious,

   You are always amazing in front of me. I know a lot of things had going on since that day. I know it's so hard in every single thing that you have to face alone. I know, if she's still here with you, you can always be as bright as before. I know you're alone. I know it's so hard to study like you used to. But it's a fate. Everything had already wrote in your fate. You've to keep going on. I know you're young, but you've to keep moving on. Have faith and don't give up.



Contest Blog KawaiiVintage


Harini AJ nak join satu contest. Ni contest pertama AJ ye. Sorry kalau salah. AJ try je, tak tau lah cik adik manis ni buat undian macam mana. AJ just nak try luck. Kalau ade rezeki, ade lah. insyaalah.

    • Mestilah mempunyai blog.
    • Mestilah berjantina perempuan. ^^v
    • Mestilah follow blog ini. *ini untuk korang tahu latest news. tapi kalau rasa mampu ingat url blog ni untuk jenguk harihari, maka terpulanglah.*
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    Tarikh tamat pada 2 NOVEMBER 2011.

    okay saya nak tag lovely Fatin Ayden, ingatkan nak tag haida, dia dah tutup blog. ^_^
    Orang lain kalau nak join boleh jgak.