
Spread the words.

Daily Prophet.
SUNDAY : kita tukar skin

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror | letter Challenge

Okay, before that I would like to tell you that I had private my blog and I open it up again. HIHI, I have no idea why I do that. I felt to do that actually.

Dear everyone around me.

  Thank God I'm still alive until today. I'd like to thank my parent for giving me such a wonderful life. And thank you to all of my sibling for making this family so so so riot. Not forgotten, all of my friends for making our song so sweeet. And to all my enemies for making me stronger. I know my life would be nothing and such a sick without all of you. I am happy for who I am, even though, it's hurtin' sometime.

from myself.


miszvr said...

our life is great no matter what they say...:)

Nas said...

Yeah. I know. It is right ?